Min åpne slektside er oppdatert! Det er tilkommet nærmere 1000 ny personer, for det meste på Kvame siden av familien, etter kontakt med Sharon Briggs, barnebarn av Dorthea Kvame, min tippoldemors søster.
My public" genealogy site is updated! There have been an addition of almost 1000 people, mostly on the Kvame side of the family, after my contact with Sharon Briggs, Grandchild of Dorthea Kvame, my great great grandmothers sister.
torsdag 17. mars 2011
Åpen slektsside oppdatert!
Public genealogy site updated!
onsdag 16. mars 2011
Slektssiden oppdatert!
Genealogy site updated!
Min lukket slektside er oppdatert! Det er tilkommet nærmere 950 ny personer på Kvame siden av familien, etter kontakt med Sharon Briggs, barnebarn av Dorthea Kvame, min tippoldemors søster.
My "member" genealogy site is updated! There have been an addition of almost 950 people on the Kvame side of the family, after my contact with Sharon Briggs, Grandchild of Dorthea Kvame, my great great grandmothers sister.
My "member" genealogy site is updated! There have been an addition of almost 950 people on the Kvame side of the family, after my contact with Sharon Briggs, Grandchild of Dorthea Kvame, my great great grandmothers sister.
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Link på høyre side / Link on the right side of the blog |
Min åpne slektsside vil bli oppdatert om et par dager.
My public genealogy site will be updated in a couple of days.
torsdag 10. mars 2011
Min blogg / My blog
Bloggen min er forumet for min slektsforskning og andre emner som interesserer meg. Følg med for å holde deg oppdatert på den utvidede «familien» og min slektssider på nettet :)
My Blog is the main message board for my genealogy and other topics that interest me. Follow the blog to be updated on the extended "family" and what's happening on the genealogy websites :)
tirsdag 8. mars 2011
Ny STOR oppdatering rett rundt hjørnet / New MAJOR update just around the corner
Vil snart oppdatere slektssidene mine. Har etter kontakt med slekt i USA, Canada og Norge lagt til over 950 nye personer. Fleste av disse er etterkommere etter min oldemors tante og onkel.
Major update will come shortly. After new contact with relatives in USA, Canada and Norway, my database has grown with over 950 people. Mostly descendants after my Great grandmother's uncle and aunt.
Major update will come shortly. After new contact with relatives in USA, Canada and Norway, my database has grown with over 950 people. Mostly descendants after my Great grandmother's uncle and aunt.
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Gjertrud Nilsdatter Kvame 1882-1963 |
fredag 4. mars 2011
Uidentifiserte bilder / Unidentified photos
Minner om min egen oversikt over uidentifiserte bilder. De ligger på min åpne slektsside, under «images». Delt inn i regioner hvor bildene er fotografert. Stikk innom å se om du kjenner igjen noen.
A reminder about my own web area with unidentified photos. On my public genealogy site, I have a page called "images" where the unidentified photos are sorted in regions, where the photos were taken. Please have a look and see if you can identify one of them.
A reminder about my own web area with unidentified photos. On my public genealogy site, I have a page called "images" where the unidentified photos are sorted in regions, where the photos were taken. Please have a look and see if you can identify one of them.
onsdag 2. mars 2011
Nybraaten bilder / Nybroten photos
Arild Nybraaten har publisert et fotoalbum med bilder etter hans bestemor, Kari Sæteren Nybraaten. Hun var gift med Anton O. Nybraaten. Hun emigrerte til USA i 1909. Anton døde etter kort tid så hun og Arilds far kom hjem. Hun hadde vel en del bilder med seg tilbake – og har fått sendt noen fra USA. Det er både Nybraaten og Tronrud folk blandt bildene.
Arild Nybraaten has published a photo album online with photos after his grandmother, Kari Sæteren Nybraaten. She was married to Anton O. Nybraaten. She emigrated to the US in 1909. Anton died after a short time, so she and here son, Arild's father, returned back home to Norway. She probably brought some of the photos back home – and relatives and friends probably sent some to here. There are both Nybraaten and Tronrud's among the photos.

Bruce Hanson og jeg har identifisert endel av bildene.
Bruce Hanson and I have identified some of the images.
Arild Nybraaten has published a photo album online with photos after his grandmother, Kari Sæteren Nybraaten. She was married to Anton O. Nybraaten. She emigrated to the US in 1909. Anton died after a short time, so she and here son, Arild's father, returned back home to Norway. She probably brought some of the photos back home – and relatives and friends probably sent some to here. There are both Nybraaten and Tronrud's among the photos.

Bruce Hanson og jeg har identifisert endel av bildene.
Bruce Hanson and I have identified some of the images.
Kvame etterslekt / Kvame descendants
Jeg legger inn etterslekten etter min oldemors tante og onkel i USA. Det ser ut til at «familien» blir flere hundre medlemmer større. Har også fått mer info om hennes halvbrors familie i Canada. Vil oppdatere slektssidene når alt er punchet inn og sjekket.
I am punching in descendants after my great grandmothers aunt and uncle in the US. It looks like the "family" will grow with several hundred new members. Have also got some new information on here half brothers family in Canada. Will update the genealogy web sites as soon as I have finished adding and checked the info.
I am punching in descendants after my great grandmothers aunt and uncle in the US. It looks like the "family" will grow with several hundred new members. Have also got some new information on here half brothers family in Canada. Will update the genealogy web sites as soon as I have finished adding and checked the info.
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